Dear Parent,
Thank you for your interest in our school. Often, choosing the best school for your child requires us to look beyond the boundaries of our immediate neighborhood. We are glad that your search for quality private education brings you to the Hebrew Academy.
Here you will find a structured, supportive and caring environment offering excellence in academics and social emotional growth. HATB prides itself on providing a curriculum that is personal, meaningful and empowering. We invite you to experience for yourself the Hebrew Academy difference.
The best educational experience awaits your child at The Hebrew Academy, and on behalf of the students, administration, and teachers, welcome to our school family
Dedicated to Excellence,
Sulha Dubrowski, M.A. ML
Head of School
It is the policy of Hebrew Academy not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or national and ethnic origin in its educational programs, admissions policies, employment and general policies. Admission to the school is based upon each student’s academic records, personal interviews, observations by our faculty, parent essay questions, teacher recommendations and our admissions testing.